
You are now here, essentially inside my head.

Hello, welcome, enjoy.

Please leave your sanity at the door, it's not needed here.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


So everyone, I am back from exam hell and blogging again. Sorry I’ve been away so long but there’s only so much a person can do, and juggling work and exams was pretty damn hard work. Thankfully they are now all over. Huzzah!
So what exciting things have been happening in my life? Apart from exams there has been friend setting up, camping with Papa, quite a bit of gun usage, lots of stress, some piano playing, very little knitting and the consumption of GALONS of tea. I think that sums it all up...oh one last thing...I’M FLYING TO MAINE IN 2 DAYS!!!!
From the exact moment that I am writing this (22:25 – 21/06/2011) it is 24 hours until I am on a plane and flying away to a country bigger than all of England with a smaller population than my little town. It’s going to be so very amazing, with lagoon swimming, fishing, BBQ ribs and happy happy friends. I’m just so very excited. All my clothes are packed away, my hand luggage is even packed, I have an ESTA and tomorrow I will be getting my dollars and reserving an aisle seat for ease of walking to pee. For this trip, I have even bought a Bikini. No, you cannot see it.
More exciting news, once I’m back from Maine I will be keeping myself busy with lots of things, which I will keep you updated on nearer the time, and then on August 8th a dear old friend of mine will be travelling down to stay with me for a week! It’s going to be so very awesome, and something tells me we’re going to me mischief making most of the time...there is a possibility that this will involve drinking...
So that’s that, eight exams later I couldn’t be happier that I’m back. I will keep you all updated as much as I can while I’m in Maine, and there will of course be a chronological string of photos from my trip for you all to enjoy, just like there was for Iceland 2011. This summer is looking to be a good one!

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