
You are now here, essentially inside my head.

Hello, welcome, enjoy.

Please leave your sanity at the door, it's not needed here.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Adam's House, what an adventure!

I'm at Adam's house!

It was rather a trip to get here, rather than the normal traveling on the back of his bike, or even in his car, I decided to ride my own, small GS125 the 90 miles north. Adam decided to come and meet me, he wasn't entirely happy about me making the ride all the way on my own the first time. I'm not sure why really, I could have managed it, but I guess he worries about me.

For him, it's about a 2 hour trip from his house to mine on HIS bike. I knew that it would be rather a longer trip than that, but I had not been entirely prepared for just how long it would be. My dear old bike doesn't do much more then 55mph, 60 when I'm really going for it. With everything packed away safe in my top box we set out just after 10am. By half way I had realised what a foolish thing I had decided to do, I had been vibrated to within an inch of my life, I could feel neither my hands, nor my feet, and I was questioning whether my ass was even there anymore! It had been quite a lot of fun, but the difficulty of keeping such a rickety old bike at such a speed was wearing me out rather.

It was taking it's toll on my little bike as well. From that point on I think she was starting to get tired as well, she didn't like going up hills so much anymore, and 60 seemed much more of a struggle. By the time we had finally reached our destination she was close to giving in, she was making a terrible ticking noise and pulling away was much slower than she had been. I think she was as glad to stop as I was when we eventually made it to the house. That was yesterday. Today, after an oil top up and a quick clean she is still tapping. We don't think it's anything serious, and we're pretty sure that if I ask her nicely enough she will get me back to Home alright on Monday. I'll let you know how that goes.

For now I'm just relaxing somewhere different to home.

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