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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Googling yourself

This is a BAD idea. Just for fun I thought I would Google a regular user name of mine along with some key words. I didn’t think much would come of it, and I was curious. SO MUCH INFORMATION, like seriously, someone could stalk me with that. Well, it was only one forum that I’m currently a member of, but still. It’s a fair amount of information. From there anyone could get to my blog and see even more about me and my life and then to my twitter and they could see my friends and more than likely find out where I live and then they could come to kill me!
Ok, so maybe not that bad, I can’t think of why someone would want to kill me really. I’ve pissed a few people off in life, but never THAT much. It’s still a little bit of a sobering thought though that anyone could find me so easily. All the information I got came from a couple of minutes looking, if a person was to actually want to spend some time looking god only knows what they could possibly find out. I’m not saying that I’m going to paranoia out and delete everything that links me to the internet, because...well...I like the internet. I am, however, going to be rather more aware of how easy I am to find.
I know I said it was a bad idea, and it will be slightly scary, but type your name / username into Google sometime along with some random words like ‘writing’ or ‘blog’ or  anything really, just see what comes up. I’ll bet it will be more than you might imagine.

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