So I’ve not blogged in AGES! Sorry about that, been busy busy busy, mostly planning for the awesomeness that was partying on Saturdays. Now, I’m not normally a party goer, in fact I really try to avoid them because they involve a lot of people. I don’t really like people. But it was a very dear friends 18th and so I made an exception. It was actually a lot of fun.
We spent the good part of half a day shopping with the intention of looking for the right dress, I’m picky about what I wear, but she’s even pickier when she has to be seen out with me. We actually found an amazing dress in the first shop we went into, in the sale, for half my dress budget. It was a good start to the day. Then we mooched about for a while until we decided that I really needed some shoes too. I know I know, I’m a woman, I need shoes. Again, first shop we tried, first pair I saw and liked, they were perfect. We still had budget left! At this point we are both very happy, and both certain that it is lunchtime.
Kate, being the genius that she is, took us to this little café place tucked away in a corner that sells THE BEST SANDWITCHES KNOWN TO MANKIND. We spent some time there, munching away on meaty deliciousness, but it soon became time for jewellery shopping. There is only one place to get cheap and tacky jewellery that you don’t mind getting lost in Swindon, and it’s called Aura. Their stuff can be pretty good, sometimes, but most of it is plastic and awful. Regardless we went in to have a look, and ended up coming out with some jingly bangles which would look pretty nice next to the dress. A quick trip to M&S for some hold ups and shoe gel inserts and we were done. With everything bought, it was time to go home and use the next 3 hours to watch comedy shows get ready.For any girl getting ready to go out is a long and complex process. It started with a quick shower, so my hair was wet, so that Kate could take to it with straighteners and half a can of hairspray. After about an hour I had wonderfully straight hair (it stayed straight all night too, that’s a first for me). There was a lot of chatting in between each step of preparation but I have cut them out for the sake of time. Getting dressed took little time at all; we already knew what we were wearing so it wasn’t much of an issue. Makeup took about 20 minutes for the pair of us and we were all set. Out the door by 8 and being driven into town. Let the party start.

Town involved a lot of dancing, a lot of drinking...and a lot more drinking. In total, looking back, I had about 20 shots...possibly more. I didn’t even feel that drunk! Though again looking at the pictures I definitely was. Oops. We danced ourselves out, got in a taxi, and went home to bed. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep so very quickly, I don’t even remember getting undressed, I remember giving up trying to get all my makeup of (and yes I looked like a panda in the morning) but I don’t remember actually getting into the bed that Kate’s mum had made up for me. I woke up in it so I will assume I got there myself. The morning, for about 20 minutes, was blissful. I felt brilliant. Then the hangover struck like a few tons of bricks. Everything was suddenly horribly bright, and very loud, and I wanted to curl up into a very small ball and stay in the dark for a few years. This I could not do, I had to take the walk home. It was not a walk of shame, but it sure as hell felt like it. Once I was back in my own house I passed out on my bed, in the dark for a good 4 hours. It didn’t help. All of Sunday was a headachy blur to me. 
It was worth it for an awesome night, but I don’t think I’ll be doing it again any time really soon.
Oh midget, when the heck did you grow up? I swear, I REMEMBER 1993 and everything, and there you are looking older than me. It's not right!