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Friday, 15 April 2011

Men are just idiots.

Another rant on its way. Just to warn you all now.
Firstly I should say that I am not generalising this to ALL men. There are lots of them out there, I’m sure, that are wonderfully lovely (I’m dating one of them, hooray for me) but most of them just seem to be dicks. They don’t think with their big brain and they seem to understand nothing at all when it comes to us women. A good example comes when a woman says ‘I’m fine’ in that tone we all know; most other women are sucking air through their teeth like a shifty mechanic, but the man will just say ‘okay’ and assume he’s no longer in the crap. Good tip for you men: you’re always in it, only the depth varies.
One particular man is sparking my annoyance at the moment. He was a fairly good friend, though I never fully trusted him, but a good enough friend that I thought it would be a good idea to introduce him to one of my other friends. The woman in question is one of the best people I have ever known, she’s totally up front and honest, no falseness or back stabbing there. We all had a fairly fun weekend together, they got on really well, we had a few drinks. It was really a lot of fun. Over the weekend they did get a little closer than I might have recommended, but actually I figured this guy was one of the better ones so I didn’t step in and interfere. Their lives after all, it’s not like she did anything that I would have said was way too far, she’s not like that. Respect the third date rule. The weekend finished, he went home they kept on talking, everything was peachy. Until she said that she wanted to slow things down, that she wasn’t ready for what he wanted. A perfectly reasonable thing to say right? Apparently not. From that moment he has done nothing but cause her pain, pain that she doesn’t deserve at all. He’s called her some really horrible things that I don't want to repeat, he said that she led him on, he even went as far as calling her a slut. So much bull has come from him in the last few months I’m struggling to keep up with it all.
He hasn’t taken any hints that she doesn’t want to talk to him anymore either, because even after all this he’s trying to get back in with her. Is he stupid? Well actually yes he is, he thinks what he’s done can just be swept away and it will all be fine. He doesn’t even see that he’s upsetting her, he doesn’t get that she doesn’t want to talk to him even when she doesn’t reply to any of the messages he sends her. If it was me, I would be telling him quite plainly where he could go, with some men you have to be as blunt as a brick to the face. Unfortunately she’s far too nice and polite to do that, and she doesn’t want me to do it because it could cause problems elsewhere. Personally, I don’t give a crap if the knob hates me forever. He deserves to be in much more pain than he is at the moment in my opinion. Pain that I would quite like to cause.
Gah. So much idiocy, so few bullets.

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