I have two cats, and something that I have noticed (as I’m sure call cat owners do) is that they like to sleep in really strange places. We all know that cats like being in boxes, or that pile of freshly washed and ironed laundry or on any paperwork that you happen to be doing but mine seem to like sleeping in even stranger strange places.
In the folds of a duvet |
The cat who is worst for this is the youngest, she is adorable, which makes it much harder to be annoyed at when she sleeps in stupid places. At the moment she seems to have taken to sleeping on me while I too am trying to sleep. Imagine this if you will, you are alone in your house, it’s dark and very quiet, you are just drifting off to sleep and BAM you’ve been landed on by some unknown object that smells ever so slightly of biscuits and fabric softener. While awake it is obvious that this thing landing on you claws first is your cat but while half asleep it can be both confusing and scary. Once the initial shock is over I tend to pat my cat on the head and try to drift back to sleep. My darling cat has other ideas.
This is the point where she starts to get comfortable. If you do not own a cat you may not be familiar with this ‘comfy’ ritual, it goes something along these lines:
Step 1. Stick your claws as far into the comfy thing as possible in order to pull it about a bit. (When that comfy thing is your skin, it get’s rather painful.)
Step 2. Walk about in small circles on the comfy thing while sticking your claws into it repeatedly.
Step 3. Meow at the comfy thing. (I would assume that she does this to see if I’m awake but she does it to the sofa too)
Step 4. Lay down for a moment.
Step 5. Stand up and start Step 2 again.
Step 6. Lay down in a different position to the one in Step 4.
Step 7. Repeat ALL STEPS more than once.
Step 8. Fall asleep.
Not only does my dear cat do this to me every night, she does it no matter how I am laying. If I am lying on my side she will try and get comfy laying on my arm and shoulder. I don’t know why she thinks this is a good place to sleep because it gives me a dead arm, but she seems to like it. I might then decide that I want to sleep on my front, which causes two issues. The first is trying to persuade the cat to actually move, but worse than that is going through all the trouble of having her get comfortable again. Any time I want to change my sleeping position we go through this. Needless to say I have gotten used to not moving at all during the night.
On a Hairdryer |
She doesn’t only sleep in awkward places at night though, oh no. I’m certain that she spends her time while I’m at college figuring out the very worst places to sleep so that she can be in them when I get home. Some frequent examples include, in my doorway where it is dark so 9 times out of 10 I trip over her, which in turn makes her stick her claws into me. In front of the dishwasher, but only while I’m trying to put dishes in, she will move once I’ve finished working around her and have walked away. In the laundry basket underneath the clothes so that when I take things out to put them in for wash she leaps out of the basket scares the crap out of me. On the piano stool when I want to start playing, then while I’m playing insisting that she sleeps ON the piano itself. In the washing machine, (only once though) she made a terrible noise when I threw a load of dirty socks at her. Last, but possibly most annoying, on my boyfriends feet, no matter where he is; if he is sitting down or even if he stands up for too long, she wants to be on his feet. There are more, I could go on for hours.
I’m sure all cats do this. There are always funny pictures of cats sleeping in strange places on the web. I just happen to think mine is the most awkward most of the time. If you, you who are reading this, are a cat owner I’m sure you’ll feel the same about your cat.