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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

I love knitting

Knitted Dumbledore anyone?
This is the point where I make myself sound like a massively strange old woman. But it’s true, I love knitting. I learned years and years ago during a summer with very little else to do, taught by my granny, and I’ve been addicted ever since. There are so many awesome and interesting things that you can do with knitting, I think it’s something that is slowly being forgotten as a craft and that’s a great shame. It’s not just making jumpers and scarves and hats, giving someone a hand knitted item can make them feel extra special, like you care even more because you went to that extra personal effort.
A good example of this came at Christmas; I gave my Grandad a pair of socks that I had knit for him, he loves them not only because they’re an epic pair of socks, but because his mother used to make socks for him when he was a boy. Having a pair of handmade socks again brought back so many memories for him that a pair of shop bought socks would not have. Another time I made a dinosaur for a friends little girl (it was awesome) which was something that could never have been bought in any shop, again it was a little more personal than just buying something. I made a jumper for my sister at Christmas; it was totally unique and so much more awesome than anything shop bought. There is also the fact that knitting is a lot of fun, and it’s very useful. Everyone has those times in the winter where it’s just staring to get really cold and they find they have a hole in their gloves; I just make a new pair of gloves. It’s the same with knitting blankets; I will never be cold because I can knit.
I am now branching into knitting interesting and unusual things, having just come back from Iceland I have a couple of Icelandic knitting books to work through and in one of them is a pattern for knitting Pac man, the ghosts (from Pac man), and Space Invaders into a garment, how awesome is that?? Again I think it would be nearly impossible to find a Space invaders jumper in a shop, but because I can knit I can make one. It also gives me something to do while sitting watching TV, or during a long break at college, it stops me from snacking while I’m at home bored. Basically knitting is amazing, and if anyone wants to learn I will happily teach you because I think it’s a skill worth having. Let’s not let all the good things die out.

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