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Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Blood tests

So I’m anaemic...joy. I went to give blood and was turned down on the basis that my blood didn’t even attempt to sink in the test tube of blue gloop, it just sat there...floating. so they sent me away. This was all fine until it was decided that I really should have a blood test to see what on earth has caused this onset of anaemia. I’m not really the kind of person who would normally be anaemic, I eat a lot of red meat and I’m very partial to my leafy greens but for some reason my blood just isn’t doing what blood should do. So to the doctors we went to be stabbed.
I give blood as regularly as I can so needles don’t really bother me that much anymore, I just let them get on with it, and the doctor was actually really good until it came to pulling the needle out. Oh dear god, ouch. Normally they pull it out fairly slowly so that it’s in the same direction that it went in, no trouble, no bruising, no pain, no problem. Not this doctor, she pulled it out horribly fast and nipped the skin a little bit. It’s swollen up quite a lot and it’s bruising, I can feel it. This has led me to do two things, 1. Keep my arm bent because straightening it out is painful and 2. Sit with a Callipo wrapped in a tea towel on the bit where she took blood from to stop it aching. I look like a total pillock.
I think the only thing to do is eat some custard while watching Jeremy Kyle, that always makes for a mood lifting moment. Then it will be onto English coursework and RS catch-up. I swear I do far too much! At least I don’t have to work tonight, that will give me more time to get things done. I’ve got to finish my packing for holiday yet! Busy busy busy.
My tongue still hurts too. Bleh, this had better clear up by Monday, don’t want to be ill for Iceland!

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