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Sunday, 6 March 2011

Wheee Shooting!

So, the plan for today was that I was going to go shooting at the Bristol Shooting Club with Papa and Adam to start my training and get me introduced to the world of shooting nice and gently. I should have expected something unusual to happen really, this is my family.

Remington baby!

I should really explain, my Pa is a bit of a Black Powder enthusiast; he does historical firearms demonstrations and all sorts of interesting stuff like that, so he has rather a few unusual guns. He decided this morning that he wanted to give his Remington Revolver a go, because he’d never fired it live before. (If you don’t know what the revolver in question is I would recommend a quick Google, but basically it’s the updated and improved version of the Colt 45, look at the picture.)That was fine by me, until he loaded it and put it into MY hands. I was expecting a .22 rifle on a bipod which would have been nice and gentle, Papa had other ideas. Apparently breaking me in with something bigger will make me far more comfortable with the smaller things...it would have been a good excuse if he hadn’t had the wicked grin on his face.
It was actually less awful than I expected, I think I may have even hit the target. The experience as a whole though was pretty scary. I had to stop after three rounds because I was shaking too much to actually hold the pistol up straight. That’s not good when you get six rounds. Ha! I think Papa was right though, if I had started really small I might have doubted my ability with the bigger stuff. It was quite fun!
As it happens I’m not a bad shot with the .22 either, I mean ok I had some help from the Bipod and the fancy scope, but it was still me shooting. It was me shooting a group of 20 inside an inch. (Not perfect but pretty darn good for  a first time with someone else’s rifle) Very much looking forward to next time we go to the range, hopefully with exploding targets in my pocket! Teehee....
I have laundry to do now, and dishes. Rather less exciting.

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