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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Iceland Iceland Iceland!

For about a year I’ve been planning to take a trip to Iceland for the EvE Online Fanfest. I know, I’m a nerd, live with it. Excitement has slowly been building and I think I’m finally ready to explode because I fly out on Monday! I have nearly everything packed now, still on the list are: my roll neck jumper, three pairs of pants, one pair of socks, 5 t-shirts and my hairbrush. This is going to be the best holiday ever. It’s going to be that awesome and packed with stuff that I’m not even taking my knitting!
I’m going with Papa and a good family friend, to meet up with a load of people I’ve been friends with for about five years that I’ve been in game. Time spent having fun with them, mixed with sightseeing, glacier walking and maybe even some time relaxing. I’m missing a week of college, but I can catch up. It’s worth missing it for this opportunity; I doubt I’ll ever be able to do it again so I’m not worried about missing some college. It’s just going to be the best trip ever.
One of my biggest worries is that it’s going to be bloody cold. I’m not talking a little but nippy like an English winter, I’m talking cold as in -15C with a meter of snow on the ground if we’re not lucky with the weather. I have the correct clothing for this, including leg warmers and knitted fluffy mittens, but I do feel the cold quite a lot. Especially in my feet. I get really cold feet. Hopefully the massively awesome thermal socks I’ve got will keep me toasty; they’re the fluffiest things I’ve ever seen. All in all I’m packed and very excited.
I do have one issue with the whole thing though. Getting on a plane. This to most people seems totally stupid, especially when you consider that I was in planes a few times as a child. Unfortunately I now watch the discovery channel and know lots of things that can go horribly wrong on a plane. Problems with engines and jets and wings and oxygen levels, so much can go wrong. Not to mention that it’s essentially a massively heavy chunk of metal that should not really be able to lift itself hundreds of meters into the air. Aeroplanes make gravity their bitch; this is not something that I like the idea of. Gravity doesn’t like being told that it’s wrong. I think the plan of action is something along the lines of Papa grabbing one arm, our friend grabbing the other, and they will carry me mid flow of panic onto the plane and into my seat. I’m just praying that I’m not near a window...that would be bad.
5 days and counting. I can’t wait.

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