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Saturday, 12 March 2011

Gun Shop, shooting and Bike training

Papa and I went to the gun shop this morning; we go there quite a lot because the people are awesome and friendly. The guy who runs the shop has two of the most amazing dogs I've ever seen; they're Bavarian Mountain Hounds who are such characters. They're a lot of fun to be around and nothing is ever the same when they're in the shop. Today I took them in some treats because I like giving dogs treats, especially pig’s ears which dogs seem to totally love. I have no idea WHY dogs love them, they've still got hair on them and they're dried and they look icky, but hey dogs seem to like them.

So we arrive at the shop and the second I was in the door they knew that I had something that they might like, these dogs are trained for tracking so they can smell food a long way off...a really long way off. There was no way I was going to be able to keep the ears from her. Now, years ago we had a collie dog who would take maybe an hour eating a large pigs ear, she had a pretty strong jaw so I guessed that the Bavarians would take about the same amount of time. Boy was I wrong about that one. I would guess that they were munching on the ears for a total of about 20 minutes and then they were back with me looking for more. I almost felt a bit mean not having any more ears for them! I will certainly take some more back with me next time I go, at 30p a time it’s not like it’s a hugely expensive thing for them to enjoy eating.

We’ve booked in to go down to the range tomorrow, scope in my little rifle. I won’t be able to shoot because the law is in the process of changing and because I don’t currently have a firearms licence which is a shame but that’s the way life goes. It should be a really interesting experience anyway because ranges are a place where I’ve never really been. It will also be quite fun to see how my baby actually goes, I’m expecting noise but not as much as the revolver! I don’t think the whole experience will be surprising, but it will be interesting. The sooner I get my licence the better as far as I can see it, especially if they’re thinking about changing the law soon. When I get money I will definitely do it...after my bike test. Got to get that done first.

Later today I’ll be off to my first assessment for my full bike licence (I know I know, it’s taken me long enough), I’m not sure how many lessons I’ll need but I do know that I’ve picked up a few bad habits...maybe more than a few. I’ll have to keep you all updated as to how that goes. I’ve told myself I want to have passed by the end of April, which should be achievable. It’s now time to go and clean the breaks on my bike so that she’s not all squeaky for this afternoon, THAT would just be embarrassing. Then I will head out and be scrutinised, just a touch nervous. I don’t know what tonight’s plan is, cooking and relaxing with Papa I guess, I love my weekends here.

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